Vincent van Gogh, Qi Baishi, and HHDorjeChangBuddhaIII Compared
Vincent van Gogh, Qi Baishi, and HHDorjeChangBuddhaIII Compared, Please see below the answer of whose work is the best among Vincent van Gogh, Qi Baishi, and H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
Vincent van Gogh, Qi Baishi, and HHDorjeChangBuddhaIII Compared, Please see below the answer of whose work is the best among Vincent van Gogh, Qi Baishi, and H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
What is cultivation? The Dharma of Cultivation transmitted by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. Today you, who are a rinpoche, respectfully requested a discourse on the Dharma relating to the question “What is cultivation?” This is a very fundamental lesson; indeed, the first lesson.